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Shree Vishwa Anand Health Center

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Best Ayurveda Clinic in Mumbai For All Diseases Like Weight Loss, Diabetes, Hair Fall, Arthritis, Asthma, Skin Problems, Joint Pain

Arthritis / Joint Diseases

It's not a disease but it is one of the symptom for sandhi vata, amvat, vatarakta, jirna jwara, etc.


Diabetes according to ayurveda, is a kapha type of disorder caused due to diminished functioning of agni


Asthma is referred to as Swas Rogaâ in Ayurveda.

Gallbladder Stone

Gall bladder is a storage site of pitta which is secreted when the food symptoms indigestion

Abdominal Disorder

According to Ayurveda "Agni" is responsible to convert the consumed food into body elements (Dhatu)


Constipation differs from person to person. For some people, it simply means infrequent stools

Gynaecological Diseases

Irregular Cycles : Dysmenorrhea – Painful Menstrual periods. Amenorrhea – No Menstrual periods.

Hair / Cosmetic Care

Hair problems may include extensive and severe hair loss, premature graying of hair, baldness, alopecia and dandruff

Abdominal Disorder

'Hridaya' (heart) as a body organ governs emotions and circulating blood to keep a person alive and healthy.


Constipation differs from person to person. For some people, it simply means infrequent stools

Infertility Male / Female

Incapability of the woman to conceive, after one year of regular, sexual union without contraception's or to retain the fetus fill childbirth is called as infertility.

Kidney Diseases

The kidneys are at the origin of the Mutra vaha srotas: the urinary system.

Spinal Disorder

Ayurveda says that low back pain is a result of vitiation of one of the three principal 'doshas'.


Migraine is a neurological condition resulting in severe headache. It has become a common disorder owing to modern lifestyle.

Spondylits / Sciatica / Vertebral / Coloumn Disorder- Shree Vishwa Anand

Spondylits / Sciatica / Vertebral / Coloumn Disorder

Spondilitis is the result of an inflammation

Skin Problem-Shree Vishwa Anand

Skin Problem

"Kushta" is a wide term used for various disorders. Skin disorders are mostly due to the intrinsic toxins formed in the body

Obesity- Shree Vishwa Anand


Obesity is described as 'Medoroga' in Ayurveda. It is said that it is comparatively easy to help an underweight

Paralysis- Shree Vishwa Anand


Paralysis in Ayurveda is denoted as "Pakshaghaat". Ayurveda has mentioned facial paralysis as a separate disease

Piles / Fissur / Fistula - Shree Vishwa Anand

Piles / Fissur / Fistula

Piles are either dry or bleeding and often caused by chronic constipation, hard and knotty slots and intake of spices.

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